
Centennial Celebrations




Spy Hill Park

Regional Park




The story of the
Lorch Snowplane


There are three versions as to how the district got its name:

  1. That it was so named because the Indians used the Hill to “spy out” the surrounding country to watch for buffalo or enemy tribes.
  2. Spy Hill is the setting of a famous Indian legend. A revengeful wife, who had deserted her tribe, succeeded in her determination to massacre them. Then, discovering that her former husband, the Chief - the Wolverine - alone had escaped, sought him out on the hill and there she stabbed him to death.
  3. Years ago a band of Cree Indians made camp at the Hill. A Sioux Indian was sent to steal some of their ponies. The Sioux was discovered by one of the Crees, who picking up a stone, killed the would - be thief. The Cree exclaimed “Kapakamaou” which means “ I have killed a spy” and ever after the Hill was called “Spy Hill.”

The Indian Legend of Spy Hill
By Dr. Frank O. Gilbart

Kakapenace sat in his teepee
Dreaming of the days gone by.
For I’d asked him for the legend
Of the killing of the spy.
Long the old man hesitated,
Slowly then his answer came;
I will tell the native story
Of that Hill, and why it came.
Men in those days fought each other,
For our tribes would not agree;
Cree would fight the fierce Dacotah,
Saulteaux sometimes fought with Cree.
Once some Crees upon their travels
Pitched their camp close by that Hill;
There they loosed their tired ponies
Free to wander at their will.
Sunrise saw a young Cree hunter,
Climb the Hill to view around.
There he saw a Sioux marauder
Fast asleep upon the ground.